About GLC
Great Lakes Consulting Services, Inc., a premier Information Technology Consulting company, serving others in IT staffing, analytic consulting, business intelligence and application development since 2009. We now specialize in custom Julia software services as the trusted partner to JuliaHub for their Consulting Services. Since 2015, we’ve partnered together to develop high-performance Julia code for low-latency data visualization and analytic solutions, high performance financial modeling, Modeling and Simulation for multiple sciences, personal Julia training, and legacy code migration & evolution.
Our goal is to bring you to a modern and battle-tested approach to mathematical and scientific computing, faster than the competition for your competitive advantage. We work collaboratively with clients to design high-quality software and data solutions, to help you succeed with ease in solving your complex business challenges.
We specialize in developing large data analytics/dashboards, modeling libraries, enterprise software development, personal tutoring, and legacy code migration & evolution.